keywords | Autonomous Fish Trap |
Introducing to you a new invention of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for fishing, MyBUBU. It can trap fish and bring the catch to a predetermined location. Its holistic function is able to help fishermen carry out fishing activities in the high seas as it can sink itself according to the set time through the mobile application, and swim back to shore once successfully trapping fish according to the weight detected.

A new method to install and retrieve the fish tarp without having to risk their lives at sea
Minimize the effort to operate the fish trap
Automated and self-navigated with efficient handling method that improves fish collection
Self-operated and autonomous fish trap that can be navigated using GPS and monitored via mobile application. Its navigation which communicate through IoT is using marine robotics technology
Minimize the effort and time to operate the fish trap
One fisherman can now operate a large number of fish trap
Improve fish collection
Eliminate the risk of accident and fatality at sea
Competitor are not focusing of process of delivering, install and retrieve of the fish trap, but rather focus on designing system which could lure more fish into the trap
Dr. Kamarulafizam bin Ismail