keywords |Â EASE Connectors|
The EASE CONNECTOR is an economical, architecturally preferable, structurally safe, and environmentally friendly Industrialised Building System (IBS) components. It is a novel and efficient joint invention for precast beam-to-column connection, invented to overcome the connection failure and drawbacks in precast structures. The used of the EASE CONNECTOR promotes easy structure dissemble and recycle hence reduce environmental hazard due to structural demolition. Patent Filing Number: PI 2016 00755

By 2018, 50% of construction projects will Involve precast structure.
Demand for higher quality and safer precast systems will increase.
EASE Connector composed of 2 specimens; 1 connects to both ends of precast beams and another one to precast columns.
U shape of EASE Connector transfer beam's support reactions directly to the column's connector.
Beam specimen can easily slide into the column specimen.
Installation of EASE Connector did not require scaffolding.
Uses a rubber-based layer to increase damping and ductility levels.
Increase in the safety of precast structures subjected to dynamic loads.
Increase in the speed of construction of precast structures.
Increase in the quality of precast connections.
Decrease in the cost of precast structures.
EASE Connector is a new connection for precast structure and has no similarity to the existing system.
The innovativeness of EASE Connector has been proven and patented as a new product
Dr. Mohammad Reza Vafaei & Dr. Sophia C. Alih