keywords |Â Radar Coverage and Radio |
From the flight parameters obtained through global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and onboard instruments, the product utilized the received automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) from aircraft to verify the position estimation accuracy from air traffic control or air defense radar.
For an air navigation service provider or the military, the product enables verification of the position estimation accuracy of their radars to ensure targets are tracked will a high level of confidence and provide immediate detection of failures without waiting to discover them at a later stage during the periodic maintenance intervals.
The main component consists of an ADS-B receiver with antenna, processing element and display unit located within proximity of a radar or radio based navigation system to be verified.
Simultaneous, the flight parameters from the ADS-B receiver and system to be verified are streamed simultaneously to a server for further processing to determine the position estimation accuracy. The results will be archived for investigative purposes or raised alarms in the event of non compliance.
As far the ADS-B receiving function, this is similar to the services provided by ADS-B exchange or Flight Radar24 or any other products from original equipment manufacturers (OEM) such as ERA, Saab Cooperative Surveillance System or Indra. The propose feature could be produced by the test and measurement industries such as Rohde & Schwarz or Keysight Technologies. However, these companies focus is on the test measurement technology and less on the end user application. At this point of writing, the propose feature of the product is a value added feature not offered by potential competitors or OEM.
Air navigation service providers and the military whose focus in on surveillance of the airspace and detection of airborne intrusion or any organization that requires to monitor the quality of their radar or radio based navigation system
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zuri bin Sha’ameri