KUT MARA (image with link)


Situated within the park are 4 main buildings. They are:

Industrial Centre Building, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The building houses office and factory spaces for various businesses and manufacturing activities. Tenants include ICC, Uni-Technologies Sdn.Bhd (subsidiary of UTM Holdings Sdn.Bhd.), Sparkle Precision Sdn.Bhd. and etc.

Kompleks Usahawan Teknologi MARA Building, Majlis Amanah Raya

The building houses incubator companies under MARA.

UTM-MTDC Phase  1 Building , Malaysian Technology Development Corporation

The building houses incubator companies under Malaysia Technolgy Development Corporation (MTDC) and J-Biotech Johor.

UTM-MTDC Phase  2 Building, Malaysian Technology Development Corporation

The building houses incubator companies under Malaysia Technolgy Development Corporation (MTDC), including UTM-MTDC Symbiosis Program spin-off companies.



The development of the park is divided to 2 main phases – Phase 1 (80 acres) and Phase 2 (50 acres). UTM Technovation Park is now readying itself for Phase 2, which is hoped to create and facilitate acceleration of innovation and commercialization eco-system between UTM and the industries, under UTM Innovation Plan.

In future, UTM Technovation Park hopes:

–       To offer infrastructure and consultancy services to support innovative enterprise especially within Iskandar Region;

–       To act as catalyst for the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises especially in the Southern Region.

–       To encourage local economy through establishment of technology spin-off companies, transformig industry structure, attract foreign investment and job creation.

–       To become the platform to showcase ready to commercialize research outcome.


Technovation Park offers features such as:

–       Close links between industry, research, academia
–       Ample parking
–       24-hour security
–       Manufacturing space with loading bay
–       Function room for meetings and seminars




2 years with an option to renew for a further term of One (1) year subject to a rental review based on the prevailing market rate.


–       3 months rental deposit
–       Utility Deposit of RM 1,000.00


–       1 unit of air conditioning
–       Wired and wireless internet connection
–       Sub-meter


Room No Squafit Tenant Person In Charge & Contact Number
Address : Industry Centre Building,
UTM  Technovation Park, Jalan Pontian Lama, KM20,
81300 Skudai, Johor.
Tel : 07 – 5591500
       012 – 7204847
Emel : technovationpark@utm.my
101  498.7 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
102A  0 sqft  Imaginary Studio  Mr. Zukhairi : 011-26102575
102B  537.6 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
103A  515 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
103B  0 sqft  Prof Wan Nor Azlina  Prof Wan Nor Azlina  012-7126117
104  1375 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
105  0 sqft  Sparkle Precision Sdn.Bhd.  Mr. Mohamed Ali Hanafiah 07-5591542
106  830 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
107  0 sqft  Reelbrite (M) S/B  Mr. Mohamed Akram Sardar Mohd 07-5540867
      Mr. Radzi  012-7358245
108  830 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
109  0 sqft  Technovation Hall Kitchen  
110  0 sqft  Metalux Oil Analysis Sdn Bhd  Ms. Ho Winnie  07-2275103
111  1510 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
112  993.53 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
113  0 sqft  Wangsatama  Ms. Suzanah Welas 07-5585251;
      Mr.  Mohamad Riza Yusof
LEVEL 2      
201  819 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
202  0 sqft  Norzam Architect  Dato’ Norzam 019-7789979
 Ms. Dilla 019-7789979/ 016-7161375
203  0 sqft
204  0 sqft
205  0 sqft  Kemtronik Sales & Service  Ms. Sharipah Gamar Mohamed 07-5585815/1533
206  0 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
207  0 sqft  JSW Plastics Machinery  Mr. Shukur Shazali 07-5543637 / 3639
208  0 sqft  NI Solution  Mr. Nik Habibullah 013-7448382
LEVEL 3      
301  0 sqft  Uni Technologies Sdn Bhd  Mr. Hafizi Md Lani 07-5581990
   UTSB 07-5541986
302  0 sqft
303  474 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
304  0 sqft  Edess Learning Consultant  Mr. Amine 0 16-772 7330
305  0 sqft  Etronix Learning Consultant  Mr Alex 012-7163358
306  0 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
307  0 sqft  Training Room  Space Rental 012-7204847
308  0 sqft  Uni Technologies Sdn Bhd  UTSB Meeting Room 07-5581990
LEVEL 4      
401  0 sqft  Gini Consultancy (Sprinter Incubator Space)   Mr. Shukri 016-7715313
402  0 sqft
403  0 sqft
404  0 sqft  Store Room  
405  0 sqft  Store Room ICC  
406  0 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
Blok 1  0 sqft  Memtec  Prof Ani 019-7776054
Blok 4  5000 sqft  Vacant  Space Rental 012-7204847
Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

DVCRI Profile Johor Bahru Office Kuala Lumpur Office

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

Research Institute

Centre of Excellence (COE)

Institute of High Voltage & High Current - IVAT UTM-MPRC Institue for Oil & Gas - IFOG Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics - CAIRO Centre for Engineering Education - CEE Centre for Advanced Composite Materials - CACM Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing - ICA Institute of Bioproduct Development - IBD

Service Entity

Research Management Centre - RMC Penerbit UTM Press Centre for Community & Industry Network - CCIN Innovation & Commercialisation Centre - ICC University Laboratory Management Centre - PPMU Institut Sultan Iskandar - UTM-ISI

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